Through the Mist


Day 15 - 15th January 2022
’Through the Mist’
Acrylic on board
Image size: 14x14cm
Mounted size: 30x30cm

Along the Grand Canal in Venice when the mist rolled in. I'm loving reliving my Venice trip - my sketchbooks help me to recall all the special moments there. It was amazing on this particular day how everything turned monotone and very atmospheric as the mist rolled in.

'January 2022 challenge'.

When I visited Venice a couple of years ago, I made a small collection which was very popular and I always intended to revisit the subject. Every day in January, I am revisiting Venice (sadly not in person) - exploring the narrow streets, canal-ways, squares, bridges and churches and producing a small painting in acrylics. They are now mounted and available to purchase at the special price of £99 including P&P.

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